Интересное из моего Твиттера за последние 24 часа.
_TechNews_TECHNEWS Bring Twitter Right Into Gmail with the Amazing TwitterGadget (Steve Rubel/Micro Persuasion): ..http://tinyurl.com/c2o5eo
venturebeatMicrosoft makes yet another HP commercial: As expected, Microsoft released its second “Laptop Hunters̶..http://tinyurl.com/d97xb9
davemcclureRT @PierreKhawand PeopleonTheGo: Need Corp Productivity? $35 webinars Google Apps (Email, Calendar, Documents, Sites): http://bit.ly/19jGis
gray_ruА вы еще не слушаете Радио-Т? А мы уже вещаем -http://is.gd/nmyT
astelmakhслушал и рыдал, выступление американского комика о защитниках природы http://ff.im/-1Vcxv
omIs Switzerland the Newest Tech Hub? http://tinyurl.com/dgdwfo
TechCrunchThe Google Ventures Cheat Sheet http://bit.ly/iDX0by @erickschonfeld
guykawasaki100 blogs to help you change the worldhttp://adjix.com/jq3k
guykawasakiShould your resume include your picture?http://adjix.com/pvfu
_TechNews_TECHNEWS FCC asked to investigate Skype for iPhone restriction http://tinyurl.com/cy29h8
timoreillyThis is a great bit of work by @dannysullivan: Analysis: Which URL Shortening Service Should You Use? http://bit.ly/Qtjb
ArwyТому, кто хранит свои капиталы в шкафу и косметичке, никакой кризис не страшен.
TechCrunchIsraeli Entrepreneurs: Know What Game You Are Playing http://bit.ly/KK2mo by @sarahcuda
TechCrunchWhy Did Sergey Brin Stop Blogging?http://bit.ly/iBP1j by @robinwauters
ITCUAИнтернет демонстрирует стремительный ростhttp://itc.ua/node/37148?
TechCrunchThis is actually good advice, if you want to get your startup mentioned on TechCrunch - http://is.gd/qGlx
newsycombinatorSome perspective on a destroyed careerhttp://rondam.blogspot.com/...
newsycombinatorAsk YC: How do you get your press?http://news.ycombinator.com...
guykawasakiThe Art of Commercializationhttp://snipurl.com/f6s2x
davemccluremust-have startup ingredients: 1) functional mockup/prototype 2) defined, measurable metrics 3) rapid iteration process #SWSF09 via @yush
welfСоциальный маркетинг – лекарство против кризиса?http://ff.im/1UxXn
guykawasakiArt of commercialization (please mark "useful" if you did) http://adjix.com/jkw4
venturebeatFacebook wants you to give credit where credit is due: Facebook is testing out a way for people to show how much..http://tinyurl.com/dxb5b9
simplyme777Having a great intellect is no path to being happy. (с) Stephen Fry
newsycombinatorThe problems with url shortenershttp://joshua.schachter.org...
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