среда, 22 июля 2009 г.

Топики на круглые столы

Мы работаем над аджендой IDCEE. Подбираем топики под круглые столы. Перелопатили кучу конференций и узнали что сейчас обсуждают. Нам важно ваше мнение, о чем говорить, кого приглашать. Если есть мысли - велком в комменты.
Помним, что мероприятие региональное, а не локальное и темы со всеми вытекающими...
Ниже топики, которые обсуждают с Штатах, скоро добавим Европу.

Ignite Your Business: The One-Two Punch of Sales & Social Media Marketing in a Recession
Punch One…
Make social media marketing work for YOU! You’ll learn the ins-and-outs of social media as part of your marketing mix — from development and implementation to measurement. Social media and branding expert Nick Nanton will share best practices, case studies, research and takeaways to help you figure out the best social media strategies and tactics for your own business.
Punch Two…
What if you had the opportunity to learn the skills that would make an immediate and lasting impact to your sales results - even in these tough times? What if you could increase your sales by 5%, 10% even 25% in 2009? Eric Shulman, a time tested and results driven sales guru, will deliver the proven sales secrets to allow you to unlock your full potential.

At our next event, the panel of investors will focus on Early-Stage Venture Investing:
How to meet investors, pitch them, and what it really takes to get them to write you a check! We will be discussing trends in Early-Stage Investing, hot sectors, sectors that these Angels and VCs look at, things that are most important to them when they are considering an Investment, the best and worst things an entrepreneur can do to get their attention, additional advice for entrepreneurs, and, of course, the best ways to reach these and other Investors.

A: Wireless: New Business Models. New Markets.
B: Innovation - Key to Success and Survival
Roundtables I
A: The Power Shift in Telecom
B: Marketing 2.0
C: What Technology Will Stand Out?
Roundtables II
A: Can Venture Capital Be Truly Global?
B: The "Open" Social Network

The VC Perspective On Trends & Investing
Finding The Perfect Investors
Starting a Company in a Recession
Rockstar Who Raised Venture Capital During The Recession

Funding your Business with Your Retirement Fund: Are you ready to roll? Are you in control?
Intro Entrepreneurship: Fundamental building blocks of entrepreneurship: covering revenue, cost, capital, planning, implementation. Discussed in context with the Wolff Center’s “Entrepreneurial Model”.
Money Matters: This session will feature an interactive discussion facilitated by financial thought leaders. The purpose is to help you understand one of the most essential tools in your business – CASH! Simply stated, entrepreneurs need cash. Whether it’s startup funding, operational funds, or growth capital – it’s all cold hard CASH. Every succesful entrepreneur knows that Money Matters!

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